Greetings from your friendly neighborhood seneschal!

Tonight we had our monthly business meeting. I wanted to quickly recap it for those of you playing the at home version of the game.

We voted to go ahead with Kate’s bid for Potted Arms. We will be booking the Huntington UUF on June 15. We decided to keep the food to a simple dayboard. Saravit agreed to be the feastocrat. We voted to allocate the money needed to reserve the site.
I spoke with the regional seneschal who seemed to think that we would not need to get permission to run an event opposite the kingdom event in BBM, since they are more than 100 miles away.

The March meeting was moved from March 22 to March 29 because the site was unavailable on the 22nd.

We also voted to allocate up to $60 for materials to make royal favors at an upcoming A&S night.

Upcoming A&S nights:
March- Craft kits for kids
April- Royal favors
May- Needle felting? (TBD)

Here are some upcoming dates to add to your calendars.

March 9 is the An Dubhaigeainn Spring Schola being held at the Riverhead campus of SCC. Baronial A&S and Bardic championships will be held at the Schola.

March 29 is our next business meeting and A& S night. We will be making craft kits for kids to bring to Royal court at coronation.

April 6 is the coronation of Ozurr and Fortune. Volunteers are needed for almost every part of the event.

May 4 is Return of the Lions. This is the Lions End Schola.

June 9 is a Lions End demo at the Farmingdale Fireman’s faire. Lions End would appreciate support from us. They are especially in need of fighters and fencers.

2019 February Business Meeting and A&S Update

On 2019-02-22 Jessica will be teaching knitting. If you have your own knitting supplies you can bring them. If not Jessica has enough to get people started.

Hawkes Reache February Business Meeting and A&S Night Detailss

2019 January Business Meeting Update

The Monthly Business Meeting and A&S Night has been rescheduled to 2019-01-18.

Hawkes Reache January Business Meeting and A&S Night Details

2018-12-21 Business Meeting & A&S ** UPDATE **

2018-12-21 Business Meeting & A&S

** Date changed from 4th Friday of the month, 12/28/2018

Per homeowner, you must leave with as much candy as you come with.  Internal carry counts.
Click for further details.

2018-11-23 Business Meeting & A&S ** UPDATED **

2018-11-23 Business Meeting and A&S ** UPDATED **

Location changed to:
Harry & Michelle’s house
65 Rutgers Ln
Huntington, NY 11743

Time changed to 11:00 AM

Click for further details

Cancelled: Monthly Business Meeting and A&S Night 2018-09-28

Tonight’s meeting is cancelled due to sick child. She has a 102F fever and is vomiting.

Sorry for the late notice.

SCA at Long Island Geek

Long Island Geek is looking for a SCAdians interested in doing a workshop or panel at LIGeek on Saturday November 17, 2018.  We are looking few people interested in speaking on a  panel about The History Behind Game of Thrones, Outlander or any other popular historical TV series.  We are also putting together a workshop where artisans speak to attendees about their craft.  This workshop is meant to give people a taste of what we do by showing attendees how we started in our craft, what tools we use/where to get them and how they can get started. I am hoping  to encourage people to attend future SCA events to learn more. If you are interested in either of these panels, email Stefanie Gangone at  for more Island Geek is looking for a SCAdians interested in doing a workshop or panel at LIGeek on Saturday November 17, 2018.  We are looking few people interested in speaking on a  panel about The History Behind Game of Thrones, Outlander or any other popular historical TV series.  We are also putting together a workshop where artisans speak to attendees about their craft.  This workshop is meant to give people a taste of what we do by showing attendees how we started in our craft, what tools we use/where to get them and how they can get started. I am hoping  to encourage people to attend future SCA events to learn more. If you are interested in either of these panels, email Stefanie Gangone at  for more information.

Plates and Bowls and Spoons…oh my!

Greetings from your friendly neighborhood chatelaine.

I need your help. We’re looking to make up welcome bundles of feast gear that newcomers can receive as they get settled in within the canton. For us to do so though, the various pieces (plates, bowls, utensils, etc) need to be at hand and that’s where you come in. If you have any extras or are willing to keep a look out for and purchase items from your local flea market/thrift stores, it would be greatly appreciated.

Together we can help our new family members feel a part of our canton.

Yours in Service,

Business Meeting and A&S Date Changed to July 20, 2018

The Monthly Business Meeting date for July has been changed to July 20, 2018.

Positions Open

We are currently accepting letters of intent for Deputy Seneschal and Deputy Exchequer.  Letters can be sent to

We will be voting for these deputies at our June meeting.