EK Gazette – Webminister Email Move update

Includes: an explanation of the timeline by which we move a branch:

1) We receive back the spreadsheet of account information
2) Fairly promptly we will create the new accounts
3) We send a welcome letter email to both your current officer account AND your provided “recovery email” account, that is, your personal email. We want to make sure that everyone sees at least one of these.
3A) The welcome letter includes instructions for setting your initial password, how to log in to check you email, and a note that your migration HAS NOT YET been scheduled.
4) When we schedule your migration, it will be at least a week after your accounts have been created and we will then send another email including the time and date. We are leaving a week in between so you can get your password set, make sure you can get in to your email, etc. BEFORE you are relying on this to get your job done.
5) When your migration happens:
5A) We start by switching over the flow of new mail to Google. Nothing more in the old account after this point
5B) We start the copy process to move all your old email over to the new Google account. This takes about 1 second/message, so if you’ve got the time to do a cleanup of old junk, please do.
5C) When it’s done, we send out YET ANOTHER email, this one telling you the migration is complete.

November Business Meeting and A&S Day – November 24, 2017 @ 11:00 AM

*** UPDATED 2017-11-16 ***

  • Business: voting on the Deputy Exchequer position at the November meeting.
  • A&S:  Countess Brekke will be in the kitchen experimenting with period gingerbread recipes.
  • Blatant officer recruiting attempt. 🙂

Details: https://hawkesreache.eastkingdom.org/wordpress/event/gingerbread-as-day-and-business-meeting/

Tentative A&S Schedule for 1Q18

A&S Nights are the FOURTH Friday of the month starting at 7pm, usually at Michele the Ubiquitious’ house.  Please note any location changes.

January 26th will be in LIONSEND at Jenna Childslayer’s house.  This will be our FIFTH anniversary!  There will be cake.  Please note the LOCATION CHANGE.
She will be teaching a the lecture portion of the Basic tunic/dress class.
Please RSVP Jenna Childslayer at thealphawench@hotmail.com for the address.  The following day Saturday January 27th will be the hands on portion at Michele the Ubitquitious’ house.  More information to follow.

February 23rd Lady Hugoline the Delicate will be teaching a bardic workshop.  Please stay tuned for more information.

March  23 – Lady Hlæfdige Alienor Salton will be visiting us from Whyte Whey to teach SPRANG!  What is sprang you ask?  It’s a twining technique used to produce a stretchy fabric.  Click on wiki link for more info.
Class details to follow as we finalize them.

Please RSVP Jenna Childslayer for the January night and Michele the Ubiquitous for February and March.


October Business Meeting and A&S Night

Business: We are accepting letters of intent for the position of Deputy Exchequer.  We will announce it at our October meeting, on 10/27/17.  We will vote on the position at the November meeting on 11/24/17.

If you are interested in the position, please contact the seneschal, deputy seneschal, or exchequer.

The fun stuff:
Our new Baron Titus will be teaching a class on Rome.  “Romans, Why We Can’t Have Nice Things.”

Please let the seneschal or the MOAS know if you are coming.


Hawkes Reache Officer opening

To the residents of Hawkes Reache,

I have received a letter of intent for the position of deputy seneschal and also for deputy chatelaine as of our August meeting.

We will vote on these position at the September meeting.  If  you are interested in these positions please send me a letter of intent by the next meeting.  If anyone is interested in any officer position or wants to learn more the nuts of bolts of a particular job please contact the current office holder or me.  You can find a list of our current officers here.


Lady Michele the Ubiquitous

Seneschal of Hawkes Reache.

Potted Arms 2017-06-17

On the 17th of June, the next Baronial Fencing Champion for the Barony of An Dubhaigeainn will be chosen. All fencers near and far are asked to come to the Canton of Hawkes Reache and show their worth. While only a Duck can win the Baronial Fencing Champion title, there will be prizes for the tournaments. Our current Champion Laird Eanraig has devised unique tournaments to test all fencers and delight the assembled crowd. The fencing will have crowd participation! While there is no feast, this event will have a hearty dayboard as is the norm in the Canton and Barony.

Event Details

Tentative A&S Schedule for the rest of 2017

Welcome to Hawkes Reache.  We invite you to come join us for our monthly A&S nights.  This is our tentative schedule.  Please note that classes and locations may be subject to change based on teacher availability and in depth negotiations with our neighbors in Lionsend, especially those dates further in the future.  But we wanted to let everyone know about the exciting slate we have lined up.

April 28 – Jessica – taking your A&S to the next level by applying the scientific method

May 26 – Jenna – Pennsic 101 – Lionsend

June 23 – Onora – Scribal

July 28 – Cancelled – please contact the Baronial A&S Mistress

August 25 –  Ask the Bish! – Stuck in a research rut?  Not sure where to start?  Or don’t know where to go next?  Ask the Bish!  Baronè Francesco Gaetano Grèco d’Edessa is a professional researcher and has agreed to give a brief talk, but mainly answer your sticky research questions.

September 22 – Master Phil White – A&S Displays

October 27 – Titus – Romans, Why we can’t have nice things

November 24 – Brekke – period gingerbread – & BYO A&S to share or work on your own project or just hang out. all day.

December 22 – gingerbread house construction.  And we have invited Countess Brekke to lead us in a discussion of period holiday observances, provided attendees can build houses, eat candy, and speak intelligibly at the same time.

March Business Meeting DATE CHANGE!!!

The March meeting will take place on 3/21, due to inclement weather.

For more details please check out our calendar.


A&S Night Schedule 1Q17 – Tentative

This is our A&S night schedule for 1Q17.

January 1/27/1
Lord Ibrahim from Whyte Whey will be teaching naalbinding.

February 2/24/17
Lord Vettorio will be teaching a scribal class.

March 3/24/17 – LIONSEND
Lady Jenna Childslayer wil be hosting March A&S night in LIONSEND.  Please check back to see when & if Hawkes Reache will be holding a business meeting.



November Business Meeting – 11/25/16

We have a lot scheduled for the November meeting.  In addition to our fiber day, where we have scheduled fun fiber activities.

At our business meeting we will vote on an addendum to our bylaws to allow teleconferencing.  I would encourage all residents of Hawkes Reache to attend. The changes are as follows:

Currently, our voting procedure says:
A simple majority is required to carry most votes within the Canton.  Items requiring voting procedures include but are not limited to: elections, change of the By-Laws, or allocation of assets.  A vote may be held only if there is at least 50% of the standing officers (any offices that are currently absorbed by the Seneschal are not counted) in attendance. *** Each member in attendance at the meeting gets one vote. All members (paid and non-paid) over the age of 13 may participate in any voting that is done in the Canton.  A ¾’s majority is required to change the By-Laws.  Voting can be done at any announced meeting of the Canton.  Any voting procedure does not have to be announced in advance.  Proxies are not allowed.  The Seneschal will run all voting procedures, with the exception of the Seneschal election, which will be run by the Exchequer.  Secret ballots may be held for any voting procedure at the Seneschal’s discretion or by request by any voting member of the Canton prior to the vote.

We would like to include this after the asterisks:

At least two officers must be present in person. The remaining officers may attend remotely as permitted by existing technology and their votes will count as if they are attending in person.  The platform will be determined prior to the meeting.  It is the responsibility of the officer(s) attending remotely to ensure that all technology used is functioning correctly.

Addendum to the counting of votes concerning matters requiring the opinions of the Officers of the Canton of Hawkes Reache. Should, retroactively, a vote be considered null and void due to lack of physical head-count or, should a vote require the full body of the officership of the Canton, the following proposal is proclaimed. To be kept in the possession of the Seneschal, and meant to stand temporarily in body for any officer (the acting Seneschal and all active officers having been forsworn against using them for any acts of voudou), there shall be a set of Homunculus Puppets. Each Homunculus, being invested with the temporary office of any office who is in telecommunication with the Seneschal, shall therefore serve to fulfil the law, as it stands, to the letter, by ensuring the officer is present for the vote. Should the repair, replacement, creation, or disposal of any Homunculus be required, a vote shall be made (by humans).”