November Business Meeting – 11/25/16

We have a lot scheduled for the November meeting.  In addition to our fiber day, where we have scheduled fun fiber activities.

At our business meeting we will vote on an addendum to our bylaws to allow teleconferencing.  I would encourage all residents of Hawkes Reache to attend. The changes are as follows:

Currently, our voting procedure says:
A simple majority is required to carry most votes within the Canton.  Items requiring voting procedures include but are not limited to: elections, change of the By-Laws, or allocation of assets.  A vote may be held only if there is at least 50% of the standing officers (any offices that are currently absorbed by the Seneschal are not counted) in attendance. *** Each member in attendance at the meeting gets one vote. All members (paid and non-paid) over the age of 13 may participate in any voting that is done in the Canton.  A ¾’s majority is required to change the By-Laws.  Voting can be done at any announced meeting of the Canton.  Any voting procedure does not have to be announced in advance.  Proxies are not allowed.  The Seneschal will run all voting procedures, with the exception of the Seneschal election, which will be run by the Exchequer.  Secret ballots may be held for any voting procedure at the Seneschal’s discretion or by request by any voting member of the Canton prior to the vote.

We would like to include this after the asterisks:

At least two officers must be present in person. The remaining officers may attend remotely as permitted by existing technology and their votes will count as if they are attending in person.  The platform will be determined prior to the meeting.  It is the responsibility of the officer(s) attending remotely to ensure that all technology used is functioning correctly.

Addendum to the counting of votes concerning matters requiring the opinions of the Officers of the Canton of Hawkes Reache. Should, retroactively, a vote be considered null and void due to lack of physical head-count or, should a vote require the full body of the officership of the Canton, the following proposal is proclaimed. To be kept in the possession of the Seneschal, and meant to stand temporarily in body for any officer (the acting Seneschal and all active officers having been forsworn against using them for any acts of voudou), there shall be a set of Homunculus Puppets. Each Homunculus, being invested with the temporary office of any office who is in telecommunication with the Seneschal, shall therefore serve to fulfil the law, as it stands, to the letter, by ensuring the officer is present for the vote. Should the repair, replacement, creation, or disposal of any Homunculus be required, a vote shall be made (by humans).”


Mask Making Workshop 10/22/2016

Mistress Judith the Uncertain has graciously agreed to come teach a mask making workshop in Hawkes Reache in preparation for St. Andrews.

If you are planning on attending, please RSVP to:

Michele the Ubiquitous

Please wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty and bring 2 or 3 paper bags.

Location and time link.


Monthly A&S Schedule to the end of 2016

Jenna Childslayer will be teaching a bardic class on 9/23.

Lada Mongulian, the Vicereine of Ostgardr will be teaching a scribal class on 10/28.

The November A&S is on 11/25 the day after Thanksgiving.  It will be a fiber A&S day.  More details to follow.

We will be building gingerbread houses on 12/23

Please click on the links for the details of the individual dates.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Upcoming A&S nights and meetings

May A&S night will be on 5/27/2016.  Jenna Childs will teach her Pennsic 101 class, just in time for the pre-reg deadline.  Details here

Jenna ChildS will come be back in 6/18/16 for a Summer Crafts and Sewing Day. Details here.

June A&S night will be on 6/24. Lady Violette will be conducting a heraldry class. Details here.


Hawkes Reache Bylaws – vote – 4/22/16

Residents of Hawkes Reache please attend!

The proposed bylaws are posted online.  Please take time to review them.  We will be voting on them at the 4/22 canton business meeting prior to the  bardic workshop.  If you cannot come to meeting and have suggestions or comments, please contact the seneschal BEFORE April 22nd.

Otherwise please come to the meeting for the vote.  Please note that there is a clause in the bylaws which requires a 3/4 majority to CHANGE the bylaws.  So if you want to see a change in the bylaws please make your opinions known BEFORE they are voted in.  It will be a lot easier to change them NOW.

We will also be voting on the position of Canton MOL.


Lady Michele the Ubiquitous,

Seneschal of Hawkes Reache

April Hawkes Reache A&S Night & Business Meeting – 4/22/16

UPDATE!  The bardic program has been postponed!  There will be no formal program.  You may bring a project to work on if you wish.


Jenna will be teaching a bardic workshop on 4/22/16.  Also she has invited a special guest from Ostgardr, Mistress Judith to assist her.  Please come for a night of music and fun.

Dinner will be served.



4/8 and 4/9 Workshop & Commons Reminder

Just a reminder that Master Galefridus Peregrinus from Settmour Swamp will be teaching a Beginner’s Guide to Research on Friday 4/8.  Location and details here.

Starting at 11am on 4/9 there will be Hawkes Reache Commons.  This will be a potluck.  Please food for four people to share.  The stained glass workshop will be happening for those people who have registered starting 8:45am.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

March Business Meeting Agenda 3/25/16

Residents of Hawkes Reache please attend!

We have an important slate for the March business meeting on 3/25/2016.

  1. Your officers have been hard at work putting together a set of bylaws.  We will be voting on whether or not to adopt them at the next meeting.  The potential bylaws will be posted as soon as we have a clean copy.  Please come to the meeting or email the seneschal if you have any questions or concerns about them.
  2. Lord Robert D’Whitmont mka Harry Mencke mka Harry da Squid has submitted his letter of intent for Canton MOL.  We will be voting on the MOL position at the March meeting.  If you live in the Canton and would like to run please contact the seneschal.  We need your letter of intent.

And a reminder that Jordana will be teaching a handsewing class after the business meeting.  Let’s take advantage of her skills before she moves out of the kingdom!


4/8/16 – Beginner’s Guide to Research – Galefridus Peregrinus

Master Galefridus Peregrinus from Settmour Swamp has graciously agreed to come teach a research class.

Galefridus: Want to find historical information but need help starting? This class will be taught assuming attendees have either never used research-level resources or forgotten what some other librarian taught them years ago.

Many of us have admired Galefridus’ amazing research and projects over  the years.  Please come and avail yourself of his expertise, both mundane and SCA.

Dinner will be served.

Click here for details.

Stained Glass Workshop & Hawke’s Reache Commons

2/18/16 – All spots filled.  Class is closed

Just a reminder that Lord Conor’s Stained Glass Workshop will take place on Saturday 4/9.  Please register if you would like to participate.  For examples of Conor’s work please check out his website.

While the lucky eight people (still 5 spaces open) are learning how to make stained glass panels in the basement, the house will be open for a Hawkes Reache commons.