A&S Nights are the FOURTH Friday of the month starting at 7pm, usually at Michele the Ubiquitious’ house. Please note any location changes.
January 26th will be in LIONSEND at Jenna Childslayer’s house. This will be our FIFTH anniversary! There will be cake. Please note the LOCATION CHANGE.
She will be teaching a the lecture portion of the Basic tunic/dress class.
Please RSVP Jenna Childslayer at thealphawench@hotmail.com for the address. The following day Saturday January 27th will be the hands on portion at Michele the Ubitquitious’ house. More information to follow.
February 23rd Lady Hugoline the Delicate will be teaching a bardic workshop. Please stay tuned for more information.
March 23 – Lady Hlæfdige Alienor Salton will be visiting us from Whyte Whey to teach SPRANG! What is sprang you ask? It’s a twining technique used to produce a stretchy fabric. Click on wiki link for more info.
Class details to follow as we finalize them.
Please RSVP Jenna Childslayer for the January night and Michele the Ubiquitous for February and March.