Includes: an explanation of the timeline by which we move a branch:
1) We receive back the spreadsheet of account information
2) Fairly promptly we will create the new accounts
3) We send a welcome letter email to both your current officer account AND your provided “recovery email” account, that is, your personal email. We want to make sure that everyone sees at least one of these.
3A) The welcome letter includes instructions for setting your initial password, how to log in to check you email, and a note that your migration HAS NOT YET been scheduled.
4) When we schedule your migration, it will be at least a week after your accounts have been created and we will then send another email including the time and date. We are leaving a week in between so you can get your password set, make sure you can get in to your email, etc. BEFORE you are relying on this to get your job done.
5) When your migration happens:
5A) We start by switching over the flow of new mail to Google. Nothing more in the old account after this point
5B) We start the copy process to move all your old email over to the new Google account. This takes about 1 second/message, so if you’ve got the time to do a cleanup of old junk, please do.
5C) When it’s done, we send out YET ANOTHER email, this one telling you the migration is complete.