Saravit of House Three Skulls

Author's posts

Meeting Information Reminder

Because of the ongoing pandemic, our meetings have been virtual. Meeting information is posted on our Calendar.

2018-11-23 Business Meeting & A&S ** UPDATED **

2018-11-23 Business Meeting and A&S ** UPDATED ** Location changed to: Harry & Michelle’s house 65 Rutgers Ln Huntington, NY 11743 Time changed to 11:00 AM Click for further details

Cancelled: Monthly Business Meeting and A&S Night 2018-09-28

Tonight’s meeting is cancelled due to sick child. She has a 102F fever and is vomiting. Sorry for the late notice.

SCA at Long Island Geek

Long Island Geek is looking for a SCAdians interested in doing a workshop or panel at LIGeek on Saturday November 17, 2018.  We are looking few people interested in speaking on a  panel about The History Behind Game of Thrones, Outlander or any other popular historical TV series.  We are also putting together a workshop where …

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Business Meeting and A&S Date Changed to July 20, 2018

The Monthly Business Meeting date for July has been changed to July 20, 2018.