Author's posts
November Business Meeting and A&S Day – November 24, 2017 @ 11:00 AM
*** UPDATED 2017-11-16 *** Business: voting on the Deputy Exchequer position at the November meeting. A&S: Countess Brekke will be in the kitchen experimenting with period gingerbread recipes. A&S SMORGASBORD! Blatant officer recruiting attempt. Details:
Tentative A&S Schedule for 1Q18
A&S Nights are the FOURTH Friday of the month starting at 7pm, usually at Michele the Ubiquitious’ house. Please note any location changes. January 26th will be in LIONSEND at Jenna Childslayer’s house. This will be our FIFTH anniversary! There will be cake. Please note the LOCATION CHANGE. She will be teaching a the lecture …
Hawkes Reache Officer opening
To the residents of Hawkes Reache, I have received a letter of intent for the position of deputy seneschal and also for deputy chatelaine as of our August meeting. We will vote on these position at the September meeting. If you are interested in these positions please send me a letter of intent by the next …
Tentative A&S Schedule for the rest of 2017
Welcome to Hawkes Reache. We invite you to come join us for our monthly A&S nights. This is our tentative schedule. Please note that classes and locations may be subject to change based on teacher availability and in depth negotiations with our neighbors in Lionsend, especially those dates further in the future. But we wanted …
March Business Meeting DATE CHANGE!!!
The March meeting will take place on 3/21, due to inclement weather. For more details please check out our calendar.
A&S Night Schedule 1Q17 – Tentative
This is our A&S night schedule for 1Q17. January 1/27/1 Lord Ibrahim from Whyte Whey will be teaching naalbinding. February 2/24/17 Lord Vettorio will be teaching a scribal class. March 3/24/17 – LIONSEND Lady Jenna Childslayer wil be hosting March A&S night in LIONSEND. Please check back to see when & if Hawkes …