Update to March A&S Program – handsewing

Jordana will be moving out of our kingdom soon.  Before she leaves she has agreed to teach a handsewing class.  Many of us have admired her work in the past, now she will show us some of her “secrets”.

Jenna’s bardic class will be rescheduled for April.

More details to follow on both as well as our 2Q16 “program”.


February A&S – Being a Scribe

Being a scribe:

What do scribes do? How does the signet office work? What are some basic tips and techniques to get started learning about the scribal arts? If you’ve ever wondered these things or wanted to get involved with the signet office Vettorio Antonello, Southern Region Signet Deputy will present an introduction and explanation and then answer any questions you may have.”

Friday, February 26th at Harry & Michele’ house.

Please see our Calendar for more details.


Update – Garb Construction Part II

Jenna will be here at by 12 and she will start teaching as soon as she walks in the door.

What does this mean for participants?

  1. If you want lunch please come by 11:30AM, so you don’t get lunch all over your soon to be garb. 🙂
  2. We will be prepared for company at 11AM.

Lunch will be sandwiches and soup.

Dinner will be a little more substantial.

Because of the later start we will probably run later than previously stated.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Part II of Hawke Reache A&S January Garb Construction

Thank you to those who attended Part I last night!
We didn’t *quite* get through everything we needed to. You should all have gotten a copy of the measurements needed for sewing. Please remember it is FAR more accurate if someone else measures you! Let me know if you have questions.
For part II, on Saturday Jan 30th, your HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT is to GET FABRIC, then WASH, DRY and IRON it (if you’re using cotton and pull it right from the dryer as soon as it’s done, then fold it NEATLY you might not need to actually iron).
Even though we discussed several varieties of fabric, since this is a beginner class, if you don’t already have fabric you want to use, I recommend cotton or cotton-blend broadcloth for pants and tunics/tunic dresses, since it requires little or no additional finishing beyond basic sewing. This is easily obtained at JoAnn fabrics, and you should choose one you like the FEEL of, remembering that washing it will soften the fabric over time.
HOW MUCH TO BUY depends on how LONG you want your tunic/tunic dress. Measure from the top of your shoulder to however long you want it to be. Add 6 inches, then double that total. (you can divide by 36″ to get yards, when in doubt, round UP. It is always easier to make something shorter later than it is to lengthen it! Also, remember that you’ll loose a little length to the fact that you’re probably wearing a belt, and it will tend to puff up over the belt line.
Example, I want a tunic that goes from my shoulder to mid thigh, which is 36″. 36+6″=42.  42×2=84  84/36=2 1/3 yards.
Generic Pants need 3 yards of fabric (Jess & Jessica might want to do 2.5 yards)
Pants will require either elastic (enough to go around waist and ankles with 1″ overlaps – I suggest 1″ wide for waistbands, 1/4 or 1/2″ wide for ankles) or drawstring (3 yards should be enough for both waist and ankles)
Wool or wool blends, or polar fleece (not period but easily washable, fairly durable, and nicely soft, plus requires less finishing)
3 1/3 yards of 54-60″ wide fabric is perfect for a half-circle cloak with a hood.
IF you want to line your cloak, do NOT get a modern lining. Look for a heavier weight cotton, linen, or even polar fleece (for a wool shell), and again get 3 1/3 yards
Since there was significantly less interest in this, it will be put off to another class.
Please note that I had to cancel an appointment today because SNOW, so we may need to start slightly later than planned on the 30th if I can get it rescheduled.
PLEASE let me know if you have any questions!
Also please let me know if I missed copying anyone on this email

Weather Unupdate – January Garb Construction

Looks like the snow is not going to start falling around here until after 5AM on Saturday.  I love you all, but I’d really like you out of here before then. 😀

A&S night is on as schedule.  I reserve the right to change that if there is a drastic change in the weather.



WEATHER UPDATE!!! January Garb Construction

Please keep and eye out for updates here and on the An Dubh FB page and the yahoo group, in case we get the snowstorm everyone is talking about.

If we need to reschedule, part one will take place on SUNDAY at 12pm.

Garb Workshop details.

If it is still snowing or the roads are not clear, Jenna will send out an email with measurements to take and how much fabric you will need for the hands on workshop on 1/30.

Our last update will be posted by 6PM on 1/22.

Or call me or email me.


Michele the Ubiquitous


Lord Conor’s Stained Glass Workshop

2/18/16 – All spots filled! – Class is closed.  Thank you everyone for your interest.

Lord Conor has graciously agreed to travel east to Hawkes Reache to hold a stained glass workshop on Saturday 4/9/16.  The class will take place at MIchele the Ubiquitous’ house in the basement.

He will start PROMPTLY at 9AM. Uncle Conor says that he will operating on HIS time not SCA time.  Please plan to arrive by 8:45AM to have your car parked and yourself settled in.  If you arrive earlier I can promise bagels and soft drinks (COFFEE, tea & juice). 😀

It is an INTENSIVE and all encompassing class.  Participants will learn everything they need to start making leaded stained glass panels.  Class size is limited to 8 people that will use his loaner tools.  If there are people that have their own tools already or want to buy their own tools for the class, he will increase the class size to 10 people.
However, he will need to know this well in advance.

He has set up a Facebook group called Hawkes Reache Stained Glass Workshop.  This will be opened to participants of the class ONLY.  There will also be documentation that you can download and print to bring to the class.  People become participants by sending a $25.00 deposit to Conor’s PayPal account.  The account name is jimi_lee@msn.com (that’s jimi underscore lee at msn dot com).  When participants send the deposit, they should use the “Send Money to Family and Friends” feature so he doesn’t get charged a fee.  When he gets notification that he has received a payment from you, he will invite them to join the FB group.

This may seem very strict, but in order for the class to go smoothly, Conor has to have a set of “rules” that everyone will follow.  This way he know how many people will be in the class, who has paid and who hasn’t, etc.  Basically, he’s gotten stiffed and we DON’T want that to happen in OUR canton!  I’m going to add the unnecessary caveat that as the “site” owner, I WILL back Uncle Conor on his decisions if he thinks you are behaving in an unsafe manner.

The total class fee will be around $70.  Lord Conor will let participants know on the FB page when the balance is due.

“Registration” will be on a first come first serve basis.  The only reservation is a PAID registration.

This is a great opportunity.  As I’m sure you are all aware a similar mundane class taught by someone without Lord Conor’s professional experience  would run at least 2-3X if not more than what he is charging for materials fee.

Please contact me or Lord Conor with questions.

Please be aware that the class will take place in my basement.  While it is reasonably dry for a basement, it’s still a basement.  Molly the beagle and Mead the angora rabbit (long hair) live here.  Please plan accordingly.

Let me know if you need a ride from the LIRR station.  Huntington ONLY.  And you need to arrive at Huntington BEFORE 8:30AM.

Michele the Ubiquitous

Hawke Reache A&S January Garb Construction

January has arrived!
A&S is scheduled to be a 2-part program this month.

Part I, Friday Jan 22nd 7:00PM
This is the Prep Class.
We will be looking at some basic patterns, taking measurements, and laying out patterns on paper to those measurements.
We will also discuss fabric and color choices, where to obtain fabric and how much you’ll need.
We can also discuss how long each item takes to make in the real world (ie, your living room or kitchen) vs how long it’s likely to take in a class situation, and work out the schedule for what is being done in the hands-on day.
If you can, please bring a pen or pencil, folder, and tape measure (I’ll have several tape measures available)
***Homework assignment: go fabric shopping!
Part II, Saturday Jan 30, 10am
This is the Hands-on Class
If you have a sewing machine that you can bring, this is Highly Encouraged as it is better to learn on the machine you’ll use regularly, and I can tailor instruction as needed.
We expect to begin PROMPTLY at 10AM, by the clock, not “SCAdian time”.
For each item being made, we will lay out fabric, cut it, prepare it for sewing, and then sew/construct the garment.
Please plan to be with us the whole day. If you can not, and know in advance, I will try to accommodate requests for what order things are done in.
At some point we will break for lunch and dinner, both of which are potluck, please bring something to share! (preferably not something greasy, you don’t want to get oil on your new clothes before you get to wear them!)
Please RSVP to Michele the Ubiquitous.
Email: seneschal@hawkesreache.eastkingdom.org
Cell: 917-970-9556
65 Rutgers Lane
Huntington, NY 11743
Warning: Pets on the premise. Molly the beagle and Mead the Angora rabbit.

-Jenna ChildS


There will be cake on Friday.  Harry’s bday is the 1/21 and Jenna’s is on the 24th.  So there will be cake.  Dinner will be some sort of turkey.
On Saturday, there will be food.  Probably cold cuts for lunch (it’s not sloppy), since people will be working with fabric.  Depending on how late and well people are working there may be dinner.  Dinner is TBA.

If anyone needs a ride from the train please contact me. Cold Spring Harbor or Huntington only.
Recommend you only purchase a one way ticket. I may be able to arrange for a ride to Hicksville station on the way back (more trains, cheaper fare). No guarantees.

– Michele the Ubiquitous

1Q16 Hawkes Reache A&S Program

Our “program” for the First Quarter of 2016. thank you to Jenna & Vettorio for agreeing to teach.

January – Jenna Childslayer – garb.  She will send out details.
1/22 (Friday night) – “lecture” portion
1/30 Saturday – Jenna will run the hands on portion. Starting at 10am and running until whenever.

We have at least 3 sewing machines and a serger for use and lots of table space (in various parts of the house).

February – 2/26 – Vettorio Antonello (mka Eric Soto) – scribal workshop – he will send out the details.

March – 3/25 – Jenna will do a bardic themed A&S night.  She will send out details.

Note, if anyone wants to teach or would like to learn something.  Let the Seneschal or Mistress of Arts & Sciences know and we can schedule you to teach or try to arrange for a teacher.

Location:  65 Rutgers Lane
               Huntington, NY 11743

Time: 7pm on the Friday A&S nights.  And 10AM on the special Saturday garb workshop.

Please RSVP to Michele the Ubiquitous.
Email: oriquilt at gmail dot com
Cell: 917-970-9556
Warning: Pets on the premise.  Molly the beagle and Mead the Angora rabbit.
Please check here, or the scaducks yahoo group, or the FB page for last minute updates and changes!