Tag: scribal

February A&S – Being a Scribe

Being a scribe: What do scribes do? How does the signet office work? What are some basic tips and techniques to get started learning about the scribal arts? If you’ve ever wondered these things or wanted to get involved with the signet office Vettorio Antonello, Southern Region Signet Deputy will present an introduction and explanation …

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1Q16 Hawkes Reache A&S Program

Our “program” for the First Quarter of 2016. thank you to Jenna & Vettorio for agreeing to teach. January – Jenna Childslayer – garb.  She will send out details. 1/22 (Friday night) – “lecture” portion 1/30 Saturday – Jenna will run the hands on portion. Starting at 10am and running until whenever. We have at least …

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