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- Lampwork Workshop By Carowyn — 1 comments
- Hawke Reache A&S January Garb Construction — 1 comments
- Lord Conor’s Stained Glass Workshop — 1 comments
- Part II of Hawke Reache A&S January Garb Construction — 1 comments
Just a reminder that Master Galefridus Peregrinus from Settmour Swamp will be teaching a Beginner’s Guide to Research on Friday 4/8. Location and details here. Starting at 11am on 4/9 there will be Hawkes Reache Commons. This will be a potluck. Please food for four people to share. The stained glass workshop will be happening for those …
Residents of Hawkes Reache please attend! We have an important slate for the March business meeting on 3/25/2016. Your officers have been hard at work putting together a set of bylaws. We will be voting on whether or not to adopt them at the next meeting. The potential bylaws will be posted as soon as …
Master Galefridus Peregrinus from Settmour Swamp has graciously agreed to come teach a research class. Galefridus: Want to find historical information but need help starting? This class will be taught assuming attendees have either never used research-level resources or forgotten what some other librarian taught them years ago. Many of us have admired Galefridus’ amazing research …
2/18/16 – All spots filled. Class is closed Just a reminder that Lord Conor’s Stained Glass Workshop will take place on Saturday 4/9. Please register if you would like to participate. For examples of Conor’s work please check out his website. While the lucky eight people (still 5 spaces open) are learning how to make …
Jordana will be moving out of our kingdom soon. Before she leaves she has agreed to teach a handsewing class. Many of us have admired her work in the past, now she will show us some of her “secrets”. Jenna’s bardic class will be rescheduled for April. More details to follow on both as well …
Being a scribe: What do scribes do? How does the signet office work? What are some basic tips and techniques to get started learning about the scribal arts? If you’ve ever wondered these things or wanted to get involved with the signet office Vettorio Antonello, Southern Region Signet Deputy will present an introduction and explanation …
Jenna will be here at by 12 and she will start teaching as soon as she walks in the door. What does this mean for participants? If you want lunch please come by 11:30AM, so you don’t get lunch all over your soon to be garb. 🙂 We will be prepared for company at 11AM. …
Thank you to those who attended Part I last night! We didn’t *quite* get through everything we needed to. You should all have gotten a copy of the measurements needed for sewing. Please remember it is FAR more accurate if someone else measures you! Let me know if you have questions. For part II, on …
Looks like the snow is not going to start falling around here until after 5AM on Saturday. I love you all, but I’d really like you out of here before then. 😀 A&S night is on as schedule. I reserve the right to change that if there is a drastic change in the weather. YIS, …
Please keep and eye out for updates here and on the An Dubh FB page and the yahoo group, in case we get the snowstorm everyone is talking about. If we need to reschedule, part one will take place on SUNDAY at 12pm. Garb Workshop details. If it is still snowing or the roads are …